Surety Bonds
Surety Bonds
Whatever type of bond you need………. License, Permit, Bid, Payment, Performance, Janitorial, Dishonesty, Motor Vehicle Dealer, Court, Title, Lost Securities, Probate, Hazardous Waste Removal, Self–Insured Workers Compensation Guaranty, Public Official, or even a Notary Bond, we can help!
At Veritas, we understand that you need to be able to respond quickly to win new jobs. We can set up a bond line so that you are ready to bid on a job at a moment’s notice so that you don’t miss out on an important project.
Call the insurance experts at Veritas today at (423) 292-4142 to talk to one of our awesome team members about your unique situation. Don’t have time to pick up the phone? Click on “Get a Quote,” fill out the short form, and one of our team members will contact you within one business day!