As summertime approaches, it’s important to ensure your employees will be properly protected at the construction site. After all, summer is often the hottest season of the year, typically accompanied by surging temperatures and increased humidity levels. Such weather conditions can greatly increase the risk of your employees experiencing numerous complications on the job—especially heat-related illnesses (e.g., heat stress and heat stroke). Thus, safety at the summer construction site can be a challenge, but is important to be conscious of.
The June 2021 Construction Risk Advisor newsletter outlines tips to protect workers in summer conditions. Click here to read the whole newsletter!
If you have any questions about workplace safety or builders’ risk insurance, please contact our East Tennessee office at (423) 292-4142! Voted Johnson City’s best business insurance, we will work with you to make sure you and your business are fully protected.
Click here to view the Construction Risk Advisor Newsletter!